A great event cannot be separated with a great production. A great production cannot be separated with safe working process and reliable teamwork. Having the safest working process in event production field is a must. The company have to pay more attention to their crew’s safety during finishing the task. Hence, wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the main important one to start working safe and sound.
The company or the employee still does not know the importance in wearing PPE during working, they often skip wearing it and working barely with their hand without any protective equipment. Here are some main reasons why wearing PPE is important.
1. Written in legal law
There is legal law to make wearing PPE is required. It is written in UU No. 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja, PERMENAKERTRANS NOMOR PER.08/MEN/VII/2010 tentang Alat Pelindung Diri (APD), and SNI 19-1958-1990 tentang Pedoman Alat Pelindung Diri.
2. Different type & class, different function
There are various types and class for each PPE. The company should acknowledge their working field first and select the best suited PPE for their employee based on their needs.
For example, helmet type 1 is worn to protect the head from any dangerous thing from above. If the working field is riskier, then the company should provide helmet type 2 since it can protect the head from harmful thing from above and from each side. Hence, it is important to understand deeper about its types and class before providing the PPE.
3. Minimize work accident
If the employee has been using the PPE, the work accident can be minimized or even there is no more work accident in the field or venue. It means producing or preparing the properties for event can be done smoothly in time without any obstacles.
4. Feel safe and protected
Employee will feel safer and protected if the company pay attention to details about PPE to them. The employee will work more efficient and there will be no worry anymore during finishing the project.
Those are the main reasons why wearing PPE is important for us who work in event production field. It may seem trivial for some people but it has deep meaning for the worker.